
Wellbeing @ Mano


At Manifold Heights Primary School we are committed to maximising the wellbeing of our whole school community. A strong foundation underpins our whole-school approach, guided by our school values, Respect, Responsibility & Safety of our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) framework. Building upon this framework, we have developed a whole-school approach to Social & Emotional Learning, which includes explicit opportunities to learn and develop the five competencies (Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision Making) for personal growth and development. As a result, our Health & Wellbeing Model guides our students, staff and wider community through our core principles, competencies and values in which we embed in daily practice. 

Student Positive Behaviour and Wellbeing Ambassadors take a proactive approach in promoting both our SWPBS values and our Lunchtime Clubs program within our school community at our weekly assemblies. Ambassadors also take pride in organising and providing termly events for students and staff around their health and wellbeing.  

Manifold Heights Primary School is fortunate to have our School Chaplain who works with us on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our School Chaplain is able to support our students’ individually through wellbeing concerns, and through small group programs offered at various times throughout the year. There are opportunities through the week for students to engage with our School Chaplain and their peers in a relaxed group environment. 

Lunchtime Clubs

Our Student Leaders develop Lunchtime Clubs program, providing an alternative activity and setting for students to engage in. Some of the clubs on offer are: STEM, Mano Melodies and Garden Club. These programs are facilitated by staff, with student interests at the forefront in both the planning and implementation.

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)

What is Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)?

The purpose of the Positive Behaviour Support is to establish a school environment in which appropriate behaviour is the norm for all students.

PBS creates school communities with an effective evidence-based approach – creating positive and engaging school environments. PBS provides the school community with a school improvement framework for ensuring that the learning environment of the school is focused on engagement. The PBS Framework requires the establishment of expectations – which focuses on data and inquiry to drive continuous improvement.

What are the Primary Expectations?

Our Primary School Values and Expectations are seen as central to the culture at Manifold Heights Primary School. It also outlines how the school community will conduct themselves. Our school values are represented with our PBS characters:

  • Respectful Rocky 
  • Responsible Ronnie 
  • Safe Sally
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Our SWPBS values are embedded into our weekly Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum. These values are embedded into our SWPBS student matrix, which is displayed prominently in every classroom and referred to when reinforcing expectations and positive behaviours. ‘Tokens’ are awarded to students who display these behaviours and when students reach given milestones, these are celebrated at assemblies and with individual rewards. Weekly ‘Student of the Week’ awards are presented to students who model the expectation, both in classrooms, Specialists classes and in the yard. 

Please see our SWPBS Matrices below:

  • Student School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix <link to Student Matrix>
  • Staff School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix <link to Staff Matrix>
  • Parent School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix <link to Parent Matrix>