Visual Arts & Indonesian

Visual Arts & Indonesian @ Mano


Our Art room is a large, inviting workspace. The Art program encompasses the teaching of skills and Art appreciation whilst promoting individual creativity.  Throughout the year the children are exposed to a variety of focus areas. Drawing, painting, construction, threads and textiles, modelling and printing are all examples of the areas presented to the students during their Art classes at Mano.

Our students’ Art work is prominently displayed throughout the school and beyond.  Manifold Heights is always part of the Geelong Show and student work has been on display at the Geelong Art Gallery and other locations in the city.

Every second year, our School Art Show invites the school community into our school to delight in the work of our students. We aim to promote the Visual Arts to the community and engender an appreciation of Art amongst the children.


At Manifold Heights Primary School, the L.O.T.E. program (Languages other than English) focuses on Indonesian language and culture. Students also get involved in activities related to Indonesian festivals and customs.

All students from Prep through to Grade 6 learn Indonesian during their weekly Art lesson.

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